Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tech and Dress Rehersals

So tech and dress were yesterday and I must I was pretty impressed by how good we did. Not necessarily in the dances but time frame and organization wise we did really well. I'm not exactly sure when we finished but it was only a little after nine and nine was what we were aiming for. Yay! Of course that would have been so much nicer once I found out of I hadn't been to incredibly exhausted. But it was fun. I love the adrenaline rush. I swear I'm going to be one of those dancers who has to take up skydiving or something cause I'll be addicted to adrenaline.
My kids did really well so I'm just hoping they keep it up for tonight.
I am really too tired to even want to write anything right now so I might post something tomorrow or in a few days. Whichever I feel like.

Friday, May 15, 2009


So, the recital is in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! One of my classes has only one more class and the other has two just cause the REALLY need it. But its only twoweeks away! Two weeks then recital stuff (I will probably be posting alot over that weekend.) then we have a week and then VBS, Then SMI, and then we leave for Mississippi. OH MY GOSH! This is so scary so at this moment I'm just focusing on this week which is kinda bad cause I need to start packing for Mississippi. Oh well.