Monday, August 17, 2009
Ballet Magnificat Summer Intensive Week #2
Posted by Amber at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive Week #1
Posted by Amber at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tech and Dress Rehersals
So tech and dress were yesterday and I must I was pretty impressed by how good we did. Not necessarily in the dances but time frame and organization wise we did really well. I'm not exactly sure when we finished but it was only a little after nine and nine was what we were aiming for. Yay! Of course that would have been so much nicer once I found out of I hadn't been to incredibly exhausted. But it was fun. I love the adrenaline rush. I swear I'm going to be one of those dancers who has to take up skydiving or something cause I'll be addicted to adrenaline.
My kids did really well so I'm just hoping they keep it up for tonight.
I am really too tired to even want to write anything right now so I might post something tomorrow or in a few days. Whichever I feel like.
Posted by Amber at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dance, Dress Rehersal, Recital, Tech Rehersal
Friday, May 15, 2009
So, the recital is in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! One of my classes has only one more class and the other has two just cause the REALLY need it. But its only twoweeks away! Two weeks then recital stuff (I will probably be posting alot over that weekend.) then we have a week and then VBS, Then SMI, and then we leave for Mississippi. OH MY GOSH! This is so scary so at this moment I'm just focusing on this week which is kinda bad cause I need to start packing for Mississippi. Oh well.
Posted by Amber at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dress Rehersal
elbow=feeling better
everything else=sore and mad at me.
We had our dress rehearsal for our performance this Saturday and my sister and I are in every other dance so we have all of about 2-3 minutes to change costumes and shoes. All in all it wasn't bad . . . the first time. Then we were going to do it again after a break to we could get the costumes we had just thrown everywhere in some kind of order, get a drink and be somewhat ready for the next round. But, we found out that one of the younger girls had to be out of there earlier so as we come out of changing and sorting costumes as fast as we can so we can relax a little and get a drink, our mom goes, "Hurry, Dani has to get out of here early!" So we skip a drink and go and dance everything over again. And let me tell you, these dances are tiring! Plus every time we finished a dance and were running down the hall to change the younger kids who were 1. being helped by two experienced moms, and 2. should have been starting their dance already, are complaining about how hard this is and how tiring. I wish I could have stopped and said, "You wander around and leisurely change costumes while Kim and I are running out of a dance and rushing to change, Deal with it!" But I didn't, cause I'm nice.
Posted by Amber at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Costume, Dance, Dress Rehersal, Elbow, Injury, Performance Team, Sore
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Injury's suck
So today, while I was assisting in the 3-5 class, we were doing their recital dance and at the beginning they put their hands up to their mouths and 'laugh.' (Their song is 'It's a Small World' never do this song, it's extremely annoying.) So I went to do it, cause they just finished learning it so they cant do it alone yet, I bent my elbows and put my hands up to my mouth and went 'Ow!' It turns out, I pulled something in my elbow and I can no longer bend it. Do you know how hard it is to shower, change clothes, brush your teeth, do your hair, pretty much do anything, without bending your arm? Pretty Darn Hard! I had to have my sister put my hair in a pony tail for me cause I'm just that disabled at the moment. It is not fun whatsoever, plus it's my right arm! It is also, I found out, difficult to do a dance without using your arm, or at least without bending your arm.
My grandpa was trying to convince me that not having a thumb would be worse than not being able to bend your arm. To which, I responded, 'I would rather be able to bend my arm and not have a thumb than the other way around cause what use is a thumb if you cant use it most of the time.
Posted by Amber at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Pointe Awesomeness!
Oh My Gosh! Guess what! My pointe teacher just gave me a ballet dictionary! I have been planning on getting one but having to pay for the intensive has put a hold on anything that I wanna buy. And I mean its small and it's not amazing but still I'm so elated! She is awesome! She also lent me her gigantic ballet dictionary that has definitions, explanations and pictures of like every part of the move, but I only get that for a week. I am so incredibly happy!
Posted by Amber at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ballet, Dictionary, Pointe Teacher
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Random pain
So randomly, during one of my treks around my house at 2 in the morning, my knee, like, kills. No warning, just a shooting pain as I walk down the hall. So I iced it and hopefully its cool now, but you never know. Especially tonight, when my body isn't happy with me.
Posted by Amber at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Knee
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Return to dance
Yay, I'm back on pointe! It was fun. I hate skipping. I feel so lazy when I do. I kinda freaked out at the beginning of class cause doing plie's, my knee was like hinting at hurting and I was just like, 'please don't hurt' :-( and then it was cool after that :-)
So my mom accidentally ordered an extra costume for the beginner ballet and it's I'm my size and Kimmy's size so she said if we wanted we could join the dance so we got some use out of it. Of course Kimmy had to rain on the parade by saying that the teens in that class probably wouldn't like it if the owners kids came into the dance cause they felt like it without taking the class all year. I mean, that makes sense but I don't like it cause I wanna do more dances. :-( It sucks when your sister is right.
Posted by Amber at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ballet Magnificat, Beginner, Costume, Kimmy, Knee, Mom, Pointe
Monday, March 16, 2009
. . .
My knee's better . . . yay. I didn't have a very good weekend so that's pretty much the highlight. That and today I only have to dance for one and a half hours instead of three cause my teacher's in Disney Land so we're having performance team practice instead and the younger kids are coming in for the first hour and a half. Plus I like this teacher better.
Posted by Amber at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Disney Land, Knee, Performance Team
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My knee isn't better . . . it sucks. No pointe this week so . . . it sucks. The only good thing is that I get to hand out costumes for my kids today. Yay! I love it! they look so adorable. I picked out some amazing costumes if I do say so myself ;-)
Last night I was read a blog about a girl who went to Ballet Magnificat! and I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to this as my first intensive, it sounds really intimidating. This girl was at the top of her studio and she ended up in the second level up (it was level 5 but she said something about levels 1-3 not being a possibility) So I'm not even best in studio (that would be my sister :-P, yeah that's a joy) so I'm kinda scared that I'm gonna be at like level -5.
Posted by Amber at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ballet Magnificat, Costume, Pointe
Getting to Know Me
This is going to be all about my, at the moment, almost non-existent dance career. Hopefully I will manage to keep it up over time cause that would be really cool to look back on.
First things first Me
1. I am 16
2. My favorite dance is Ballet/Pointe (Yes, I am crazy, I do like pointe)
3. I also dance Jazz, Tap, and Lyrical
4. I Do Not dance hip hop (No offence but I hate it, at least when I do it. I admire really good hip hoppers, or whatever you call them, cause some of that stuff is SUPER hard)
5. I am going to my first intensive this summer for a month in Mississippi (Before you ask, it's a Christian company, that's why)
6. I'm Christian
7. I'm a studio brat
8. I'm not really good but I wanna be
9. That doesn't mean I suck, I'm a decent dancer
10. When my first studio closed down my dad got annoyed with my sister, my mom, and me for complaining about other studios not measuring up that he started a studio for us
11. I live in Arizona where there are practically NO dance opportunities
12. I take private pointe lessons cause I am the only one at my studio who wants to do pointe
On to the blog portion . . .
This Monday, while dancing I pulled something in my knee (Worst place to get hurt in my opinion) and so if it isn't a lot better by tomorrow I have to call off pointe which I really don't want to do cause not last week but the week before that I had to call it off cause I was in bed sick. I really hate skipping classes of anything even if it is for a good reason.
Posted by Amber at 12:00 AM 0 comments