Thursday, March 12, 2009

Getting to Know Me

This is going to be all about my, at the moment, almost non-existent dance career. Hopefully I will manage to keep it up over time cause that would be really cool to look back on.

First things first Me
1. I am 16
2. My favorite dance is Ballet/Pointe (Yes, I am crazy, I do like pointe)
3. I also dance Jazz, Tap, and Lyrical
4. I Do Not dance hip hop (No offence but I hate it, at least when I do it. I admire really good hip hoppers, or whatever you call them, cause some of that stuff is SUPER hard)
5. I am going to my first intensive this summer for a month in Mississippi (Before you ask, it's a Christian company, that's why)
6. I'm Christian
7. I'm a studio brat
8. I'm not really good but I wanna be
9. That doesn't mean I suck, I'm a decent dancer
10. When my first studio closed down my dad got annoyed with my sister, my mom, and me for complaining about other studios not measuring up that he started a studio for us
11. I live in Arizona where there are practically NO dance opportunities
12. I take private pointe lessons cause I am the only one at my studio who wants to do pointe

On to the blog portion . . .

This Monday, while dancing I pulled something in my knee (Worst place to get hurt in my opinion) and so if it isn't a lot better by tomorrow I have to call off pointe which I really don't want to do cause not last week but the week before that I had to call it off cause I was in bed sick. I really hate skipping classes of anything even if it is for a good reason.